Asphalt sealcoating is a smart investment, one that provides both immediate and long-term benefits. Whether you are looking to extend the life of your newly paved surface, or seeking to to refresh and protect older pavement, Sealcoating is your solution. You can trust Rigda Asphalt and Sealcoating for a quality asphalt service.
“Protect asphalt with sealcoating”
Sealcoating involves applying a top protective layer to the surface of the asphalt pavement. Asphalt is made up of rock and gravel and a binding agent. The binding agent must stay intact to protect the integrity of the surface. Sealcoating provides protection for the binding agent by shielding it from elements that contribute to erosion. These elements include UV rays, water, oil, gasoline, and other chemicals. Sealcoating is the most cost-effective way to avoid expensive repairs due to pavement failures.
Asphalt based sealers are asphalt emulsions that primarily consist of asphalt, pure water, and an emulsifying agent.
Asphalt: Asphalt is a selectively refined form of crude petroleum oil and makes up about 50 to 75 percent of a typical emulsion.
In addition to the protection it provides, Sealcoating results in a deep black appearance that upgrades the look of the pavement.
Low traffic such as a typical home driveway, One coat is sufficient. Moderate traffic on a parking lot, Two coats with a third coat on the entrance and exits. Heavy traffic Two coats with a Third coat on all travel lanes and roadways.